Sydney Co-Housing meeting #3

  • July 15, 2019
September 2, 2019 @ 1:00 am – 3:00 am Australia/Sydney Timezone
Sydney Co-Housing Meetup

Our goal
The groups aims are still being refined but we want to enable co-housing to become more common as a housing model in Sydney and NSW.

Is this your first meeting?
If you are attending for the first time please take the time to read through these notes from the previous meeting.
Also, for any new members/attendees, we will hold a pre-meeting catch-up for 20 minutes before the meeting to get you up to speed. Please message me directly and I can arrange to be there.

Notes and decisions from the last meeting:

Barriers to co-housing (aka opportunities)
This was a grab-bag list of barriers we identified to co-housing:

Summary of actions from meeting #1
In short we were going to invite other groups and individuals interested in co-housing to join us and we were going to reach out to others to make connections.

How we’re going to achieve our goal
Part of our role is to bring interested people together; to educate and inform; to support with resources and knowledge; to promote and lobby for co-housing; and to be a clearinghouse of best practice and know-how from around the world.

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