OurProperty : Invoice Parse Report Confirmation

  • March 11, 2022
May 13, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am Australia/Sydney Timezone
OurProperty : Invoice Parse Report Confirmation

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,

Oxbridge allows all agents and members to manage their own property and have your own business with 4 software, PropertyTree, PropertMe, Ourproperty and ManagedApp. The latter two are trust free. Trust free has the advantage of managing the properties without a trust account. Oxbridge provides the flexibility of managing or co-managing your own properties at maximum splits where agents keep 100% of the equity. Join us on our training sessions on the 4 different software.


The OurProperty Invoice Parse report displays any and all emails that are sent to the OP inboxes where an invoice charge could not be created.  Amy will deep dive into Invoice parse report and what actions to take for each error message that is received.

Time and Date: Friday 13th May, 2022 10am AEST, (WA: 8am, SA/NT: 10.30am)

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/w/89787042500?tk=51vip6iX8yYCXsd8ozqpPNzlbODJG0p_tH-MVDQNvJ8.DQMAAAAU57mKxBZvMWVvT0FUaVFNdXd4MmtYdkRUNUJBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&uuid=WN_SBeMZT7yTS24FX8WpL3kXA

The Oxbridge Team

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