Brisbane New Broker Academy – Exclusive to Oxbridge
- July 14, 2021

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
The market for mortgage and private finance is booming!
Oxbridge has quite a few members that have dual qualifications in finance and real estate – something few agencies or brokerage can match. Further Oxbridge Capital and Finance offers our increasing number of brokers maximum flexibility and splits. If you want to grow your finance (private finance or mortgage) or you are wanting to enter the finance broker industry then you should not miss this event.
Oxbridge has been invited by The Adviser, Mortgage Choice and Pepper Money to attend a FREE New Broker Academy in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Speakers include some of the top multimillion earners in the country and the president of the FBAA
See https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?u=b5150547bc871ea4865df93c3&id=8f0ff2e5f4&e=f790096409
for agenda, more information and to sign up.
Thank you,
The Oxbridge Team