[Project] Regatta at Collins Wharf

  • January 31, 2023
March 24, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Australia/Sydney Timezone
[Project] Regatta at Collins Wharf

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates

Colliers are pleased to invite you to an early access agent briefing webinar for Regatta at Collins Wharf prior to the display suite completion and project launch.

Collins Wharf is an exclusive waterfront neighbourhood where Melbourne’s most iconic street meets the harbour.

Hear directly from Lendlease on the vision and evolution of Collins Wharf.

Date and Time: Friday 24th March 2023 12pm AEST (11am QLD, 9am WA, 10.30am SA/NT)

Where: Live Webinar

Register Here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/c7e4a66d-8d83-4f6a-ae53-8011aa1d188f@049e3382-8cdc-477b-9317-951b04689668

Projects remain a huge part of Oxbridge’s offering. For those that are new to projects, this session is a must attend. Projects offer significantly more commission and often less work than residential sales. You will hear directly from the developer and top agents who have excelled in projects and have built fantastic businesses and lifestyle through selling Australian and International projects. For interstate agents ensure you are fully licensed so to take advantage of Automatic Mutual Recognition (see https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/licensing-and-registration/automatic-mutual-recognition and https://www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/corporate/automatic-mutual-recognition-amr ) Remember to undertake regular projects trainings with Oxbridge  every fortnight.

The Oxbridge Group

Collins Wharf Two Regatta
Collins Wharf Two Regatta by Lendlease is located on one of the World’s largest remaining finger wharfs, the building will be conceived as an extension of Melbourne’s iconic Collins Street. The design encapsulates the site’s unique waterfront offering and urban interface and draws reference to the site’s history and Melbourne’s urban fabric. The development is configured as a tower above a four-level podium reaching 29 levels. Upon completion the building will provide a range of product offerings including premium Harbourhomes, Riverhomes and Skyhomes along with a range of 1- , 2- and 3-bedroom Waterfront Apartments

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