WebloanQ for ioutsource
- February 16, 2022
Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
Oxbridge and Outsource have partnered to launch WebloanQ is an exciting new broker offering within ioutsource to offer a fully searchable online API that allows you to compare products across many types of loans. We are lunching similar products for real estate (algorithmic valuations) and insurance (online comparisons)
WebloanQ plugs into YOUR website allowing visitors to compare products, complete indicative quotes and progress to a full application, all on YOUR website. All leads and applications map data BACK into ioutsource, reducing your double (or triple) handling of information saving you time and money.
Please join us to learn how you can use this fantastic tool in your business.
Date: Thursday 17th February
Time: 11am AEST, 10am QLD, 8am WA
To Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5557486341335378958
The Oxbridge Team