Ownership Data

  • August 19, 2021
How Can We Help?
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Ownership Data is a direct access prospecting tool that provides the full names, contact addresses and phone numbers of resident and absentee owners.

Winning Edge have been providing Ownership Data to the real estate industry for over 12 years in its current format and hosts databases for both Victoria and Queensland. ODB’s main business is to assist in the generation sales listing or even grow a rent roll, but in reality, it can be used for almost anything you can think of.

With more than 12 years’ experience providing owner information to the real estate industry and multiple databases across Victoria and Queensland. Ownership Data is proven to assist in the generation of listings, rent rolls and sales.

​Ownership Data is currently used by over 600 businesses across Victoria and Queensland, ranging from small agencies to major franchise real estate groups, we even have some solar providers and mortgage brokers growing their businesses with Ownership Data.

Setup fee is waived for Oxbridge Members

See https://www.winningedge.com.au/ownership-data

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