How Can We Help?
The promocode for discount is OXBRIDGE20 and gets you 20% off. Please see details below on setting up your account using the list.
The cost for each Radius SUBURB subscription is just $299 per suburb per year.
Each subscription is for a 12 month period per suburb. During that time, you will receive an email notification every 28 days to alert you that your list has been “re-washed” against the Do Not Call Register.
Phone numbers will only appear if they are NOT on the Do Not Call Register. On average for most suburbs around 30-40% of records have available phone numbers.
Please note that each record shows the OCCUPANT’S details if they are available, not necessarily the owner’s. In most cases, the data will indicate if the occupant is an owner or tenant.
The list is in an Excel format, which means it can be used for a mail merge.
Radius Suburbs must be ordered online.
The website for Radius is
If you want to proceed, visit the website, click on “LOG IN” in the top right hand corner and fill in the relevant fields to set up your personal Radius account.
Next, search for a suburb by entering into the field marked “See how many real estate leads you can market to today” and add the suburbs that you want to your shopping cart.
Complete your order by entering your credit card details and your lists will be emailed to you in a few minutes.
As a matter of course, we also recommend that you visit the Association for Data-Driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA) before conducting any direct marketing campaigns. Detailed information about compliance and legal issues can be found at