[SUNKIN] SUNKIN Project Launch 448 Brighton and 37 Graham Rd, Highett

  • September 5, 2022
April 3, 2023 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Australia/Sydney Timezone
[SUNKIN] SUNKIN Project Launch 448 Brighton and 37 Graham Rd, Highett

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,

Sunkin (https://sunkin.com.au/) Victoria has invited EXCLUSIVELY Oxbridge agents and affiliate partners to a project launch featuring 448 Brighton and 37 Graham Rd, Highett in Melbourne.

Time and Date: Monday, 3rd April, 2023 2pm AEST (2pm QLD, 12pm WA, 1.30pm SA/NT)
Zoom: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjEyODg2MGMtZGI0Zi00MmZiLTg0MWUtYThmM2U0N2I1YjA2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2240b524c5-d7d7-4ec5-87df-039a002d02c4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cfd4a1e8-ba1f-4a11-ad4d-87299950d228%22%7d

Meeting ID: 491 653 080 512
Passcode: dhGdtH
Location: Sunkin Property Group (Level 51 525 Collns Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia)


Based in Melbourne, Sunkin Property Group maintains a focus on design integrity, efficiency and innovation to deliver enduring and highly considered places and communities for life. Our world-class developments integrate seamlessly into the urban fabric to re-establish connections and add value to the existing landscape. We combine engaging architectural sensibilities, future-focused sustainability and responsive amenities to achieve holistic spaces that balance ambitions for today and tomorrow. As an internationally-backed developer with an established and experienced team of award-winning experts, Sunkin Property Group builds and develops design-focused properties that are socially responsible, aesthetically resonant, profoundly durable and intelligently innovative.

Inspired by the natural vitality of its bayside location, 448 Brighton balances bold architectural confidence and meticulously crafted detail with perfectly proportioned spaces blessed with abundant natural light. Grand penthouses with expansive, beautifully landscaped rooftops command breathtaking bayside and city views.
Projects remain a huge part of Oxbridge’s offering. For those that are new to projects, this session is a must attend. Projects offer significantly more commission and often less work than residential sales. You will hear directly from the developer and top agents who have excelled in projects and have built fantastic businesses and lifestyle through selling Australian and International projects. For interstate agents ensure you are fully licensed so to take advantage of Automatic Mutual Recognition (see https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/licensing-and-registration/automatic-mutual-recognition and https://www.dmirs.wa.gov.au/corporate/automatic-mutual-recognition-amr ) Remember to undertake regular projects trainings with Oxbridge  every fortnight.


The Oxbridge Team

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